Friday, 18 March 2011

Show reports for Michael Van Der Ham AW11/12

The top 3 show reports for Michael Van Der Ham's Autumn Winter 2011/2012 show from London Fashion Week:

'Today he upped his game and managed to move his trademark montage designs on, developing them into a more accessible variation which still rung true to his aesthetic – with each piece seemingly collaged together from about five – but this time keeping the overall look simple' Said Jessica Bumpus of

'With his first solo show last season, Michael van der Ham made himself a name on every editor's ones-to-watch list. His way of crafting Franken-chic pastiches of specially sourced fabrics and sartorial references was unexpectedly beautiful and affecting. Those showing up today to see more of the same were in for something of a surprise, as van der Ham opened with a series of jewel-hued, crushed-velvet looks—all in one color and one fabric'. said Meenal Mistry at 

Michael van der Ham is London’s prince of patchwork, master of taking a jumble of fabrics and whipping them up into breathtaking dresses. But maybe he's worried about being pigenholed, because for autumn he’s decided to take a slightly different tack and focused on silhouette rather than contrasting patterns' Said Emma Sells of